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Important Update: The Sleeping Angels Fund stopped providing services as of 2007. Please seek out other resources available on our Resources page. We thank you for your support.
Donors - Thank you from the bottom of our hearts.
Gregory & Janet Scott - In Loving Memory of Carter Gallagher
Kevin & Julie Regan - In Loving Memory of Julian Constantine Rigby
Scott Bruner
Tom & Stacy Cashman
Kristine Kummerlen
Alison Bedino
Gregory Gordon - In Loving Memory of Dorothy May Filer
Leroy & Kathy Filer - In Loving Memory of Dorothy May Filer
Dot Filer & Alvin Devaster - In Loving Memory of Dorothy May Filer
Martha Wodarczyk - In Loving Memory of Dorothy May Filer
Centurions of Northeast PA - In Loving Memory of Dorothy May Filer
Jack & Marge Hadley - In Loving Memory of Dorothy May Filer
Class 1 Bus Company Inc. - In Loving Memory of Dorothy May Filer
Beatrice Kissen - In Loving Memory of Dorothy May Filer
Thomas Quinn - In Loving Memory of Dorothy May Filer
Michelle Hamilton -
In Loving Memory of Tracy Williams, Jessica Espinosa & Traey Serrano
Pamela Garnick
Michelle Hamilton -
In Loving Memory of Tracy Williams, Jessica Espinosa & Traey Serrano
Amy Sue Donovan
Charles & Kathleen Filer -
In Loving Memory of Hunter James Martino
Gregory & Janet Scott -
In Loving Memory of Wm. Carter Gallagher
Matthew Ericson
Mom's Club of Newtown PA
Nancy Warner Gates -
In Loving Memory of Jason Reinhardt
Tammy Schneider
Tenant Healthcare Foundation
Matching Gifts Program
The Elbow Room
Timothy J. Gaffney Jr. Memorial Fund
Anna Genovese
Arthur & Marilyn Humphrey
Beatrice A Fiordimondo -
In Loving Memory of Her Granddaughter
Betty Memole
Brent Heigold
Comcast Digital Cable
East Coast Corvette Club Inc
Jennifer P. Nelson
Karen Specchio
Laurie E Smith -
In Loving Memory of Andrew John Smith & Hunter James Martino
Norina Zajack
Red Tettemer
Rolf & Carol Ann Harding
Roy W. Cornell House of Representatives
The Harding Family -
In Loving Memory of Joseph James Harding III
Thomas J.Lally Ancient Order of Hibernians
Trudie Bloss -
In Loving Memory of Zachary Dalton Avery
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All Images and Content Copyright 2002-2006 Sleeping Angels Fund, A Gift From Hunter James, Dante and Katie Martino.
All Rights Reserved. Sleeping Angels Fund, A Gift From Hunter James, 9 Tom-A-Hawk Path, Gouldsboro, Pennsylvania 18424.
Last Updated October 14, 2007.
**Please note that due to the resources available, assistance from the Sleeping Angels Fund is available in the Pennsylvania
Area Only. Also, we no longer offer funeral assistance, as our Mission Statement has changed,
please accept our apology.
**The official registration and financial information of the Pennsylvania Affiliate of
SIDS of Pennsylvania may be obtained from the Pennsylvania Department of State by calling
toll free, within Pennsylvania, 1-800-732-0099. Registration does not imply endorsement.